CV128 - Editorial + Introduction
Regular Price $0.00 CAD
CV127 - Charles-Frédérick Ouellet, A Book – and an Award – Sophie Mangado
Regular Price $4.00 CAD Reduced Price $0.00 CAD
Ciel variable 126 - Editorial + Introduction
CV125 - Marie-Carole Noël / Elisapie Isaac, Derrière chaque image, une histoire – Jacques Doyon
Ciel variable 125 - Editorial + Introduction
CV124 - Ouvrages à souligner / New and Worthy — Jérôme Delgado
CV124 - Editorial + Introduction
CV124 - Ji-Yoon Han, Mimetic Contagions- Fanny Bieth
Regular Price $2.00 CAD Reduced Price $0.00 CAD
CV123 - Photography and Ukraine, Keeping Eyes Open to the War — Érika Nimis
CV123 - Editorial + Introduction
CV122 - Jacynthe Carrier and Anne-Marie Proulx, Photography, care and community — Jacques Doyon
CV122 - Daniel Hausmann, Backstage among the Urban Ruins — Mona Hakim
CV122 - Editorial + Introduction
CV121 - Justine Kurland, Highway Kind (A Love Story) — Moyra Davey
CV121 - Editorial + Introduction
CV120 - Editorial + Introduction
CV119 - Editorial + Introduction
CV118 - Marie-Josée Rousseau, At the Crossroads of Photographic Practices — Jérôme Delgado
CV118 - Editorial + Introduction