CV126 - Francis Alÿs : Children’s Games  — Stephen Horne
CV126 - Francis Alÿs : Children’s Games  — Stephen Horne

CV126 - Francis Alÿs : Children’s Games — Stephen Horne

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Ciel variable 126 - Trajectories (Summer 2024)
Portfolios (Individual article, digital version)

Francis Alÿs : Children’s Games
Dehors/Ailleurs | Outside/Elsewhere

— Stephen Horne

Francis Alÿs directs our attention to two universal concepts: childhood and the pleasure of engaging in non­profitable activities. Following the first video in the Children’s Games series, Alÿs travelled the world seeking those moments of escape that children know so well how to fill, inventively, fearlessly, sometimes even at the risk of their physical safety. This first thematic portfolio is accompanied by an essay by Stephen Horne.


Language : English & French
Digital Version : PDF, 21.1 Mb

Bibliographical Notice

Stephen Horne, “Francis Alÿs, Children’s Games — Outside/ Elsewhere” in Ciel variable, No. 126, “Trajectories”, Montreal, 2024, p. 10-19.


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