CV126 - Patrick Beaulieu : El Perdido — Julie Martin
CV126 - Patrick Beaulieu : El Perdido — Julie Martin

CV126 - Patrick Beaulieu : El Perdido — Julie Martin

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Ciel variable 126 - Trajectories (Summer 2024)
Portfolios (Individual article, digital version)

Patrick Beaulieu : El Perdido
En route vers nulle part | On the Road to Nowhere

— Julie Martin

Patrick Beaulieu’s quest oozes absurdity: it consists of finding the unfindable. On board a vehicle dubbed El Perdido, he was guided by his intuition and the vague directions he gathered. His images show for­ gotten, even desolate landscapes, traces of a civilization that leaves behind a destabilized world. It’s a world calling out for being cared for, if that’s the message we take away from “Don’t Forget Me Walk,” where Beau­ lieu ended up. This second portfolio is accompanied by an essay by Julie Martin.


Language : English & French
Digital Version : PDF, 25.3 Mb

Bibliographical Notice

Julie Martin, “Patrick Beaulieu, El Perdido — On the Road to Nowhere” in Ciel variable, No. 126, “Trajectories”, Montreal, 2024, p. 20-29.


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