CV126 - Justin Wonnacott : Figureground — Pierre Dessureault
CV126 - Justin Wonnacott : Figureground — Pierre Dessureault

CV126 - Justin Wonnacott : Figureground — Pierre Dessureault

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Ciel variable 126 - Trajectories (Summer 2024)
Portfolios (Individual article, digital version)

Justin Wonnacott : Figureground
Observateur du théâtre urbain | Observing the Theatre of the Streets

— Pierre Dessureault

Justin Wonnacott perfectly embodies the historical figure of the street photographer. The images of crowds on sidewalks that he has been accumulating for decades reveal his thirst for knowledge of human beings and their behaviours. From Berlin to Tokyo, and in Canadian cities, the same expressions, fashions, and compulsions emerge. Wandering among them, as Wonnacott does, we realize that each and every one of us is swept up in this portrait of society. With an essay written by Pierre Dessureault.


Language : English & French
Digital Version : PDF, 22.9 Mb

Bibliographical Notice

Pierre Dessureault, “Justin Wonnacott, Figureground — Observing the Theatre of the Streets” in CCiel variable, No. 126, “Trajectories”, Montreal, 2024, p. 30-39.


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